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Endoscope Washer-Disinfector

Endoscope Washer-Disinfector
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Добавлено: 7 января 2025, 10:20 ID: 3852
30 000 $/set
на Флагма с 9 февраля 2019
Kim Scud G-Medcos International
marketing director


CYW-501 Endoscope washer-disinfector offers all features to protect patients, operators and your endoscopes.

CYW-501 guarantees perfect washing and disinfection of both outside and inside of the endoscopes.

It can be operated manually and automatically.
Furthermore, CYW-501 is equipped with the most efficient and precise self-controlling system which detects any failures and low maintenance is just required.

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Работает на Флагма с 9 февраля 2019
Kim Scud G-Medcos International
marketing director
Смотрите еще объявления в категории Системы для автоматического обеззараживания
Kim Scud G-Medcos International
Marketing director
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G-Medcos International, YH Kim Scud G-Medcos International, Marketing director
Endoscope Washer-Disinfector
30 000 $/set ID: 3852
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